Earthing Materials

Our earthing materials and earthing accessories are correctly designed and installed to safeguard both lives and equipment. They have the ability to transfer current to earth with ease. Some of the main features of our earthing materials include-

  • Low electrical resistance to earth
  • Good corrosion resistance
  • Ability to carry the required current repeatedly
  • A reliable life of at least 30 years

Quality earth rods are commonly made from either solid copper, stainless steel or copper bonded steel. It is ideal due to its combination of strength, corrosion resistance, and comparatively low cost.

There are four type of earthing materials –

  • 1. Galvanized Earth Plates
  • 2. G.I Earthing Strips
  • 3. G.I Earthing Wire 8 g
  • 4. G.I Stay Wire 7/10

1. Galvanized Earth Plates

12" x 12" x ¼ "
12" x 12" x ½ "
15" x 15" x ¼ "
18" x 18" x ¼ "
24" x 24" x ¼ "
24" x 24" x ½ "

2. G.I Earthing Strips

Size W/PM
25 x 3 mm 800 gm
25 x 6 mm 122 gm
32 x 6 mm 1800 gm
40 x 6 mm 2000 gm
50 x 6 mm 2500 gm
3. G.I Earthing Wire 8 g
4.G.I Stay Wire 7/10
G. I Pipe with funnel
5 Ft. long 3/4" dia.
8 Ft. long 40 mm dia
S. No Item Copper Aluminium G.I
  Weight of conductor      
  Kg. MTR.      
1. No.14 SWG Wire 0.028 - 0.0254
2. No. 12" 0.049 0.0162 0.043
      (0.0162 (6 mm²) 0.043
3. No.8" 0.1155 0.02703 (10 mm²) 0.012
4. No.6" 0.1668 - 0.1456
5. No.4" 0.243 - 0.224
6. No.;2 0.344 0.0945 (35 mm) 0.305
7. 25 x 3 mm Flat 0.670 0.202 0.590
8. 32 x 6 mm Flat 1.715 0.518 1.510
9. 50 x 6 mm Flat 2.680 0.810 2.360
10. 600x600x6 mm Thick Plate 19.30 5.83 17.00
11. 600x600x12 mm thick Plate 38.60 11.66 34.00
  Recommended Earth Conductors for Motors
1. Upto15HP 12 Swg. 6mm² 8 Swg
2. Upto 20 to 30 HP 8 Swg. 10 mm² 4Wsg.
3. Upto 35 to 50 HP 4 Swg. 35mm² 25x3 mm flat
4. Above 50 HP 25x3 25x3 32x6
    mm Flat mm Flat mm Flat
Earthing Materials Details
G.I Cond Size Area MM² Nominal Dia mm Approx. Weight Kg/M Approx Resistance Ohm /M
14 SWG 3.24 2.03 0.026 0.0433
12 SWG 5.48 2.64 0.044 0.02565
10 SWG 8.35 3.26 0.067 0.0162
8 SWG 12.97 4.06 0.104 0.01063
4 SWG 27.27 5.89 0.218 0.00505
25 x 3 mm 75.00 -- 0.600 0.0017
50 x 6 mm 300.00 -- 2.400 0.0033
¼ L.T Stay Set's : 6' x 5/8" Rod, Plate Bow, Themble Complete Plate Sizs 6" 6" x 5 mm. Thickness G.I 450.00 Painted 300.00
2/5 H.T Stay 6' x 3/4" Rod, Plate Bow, Thimble complete, Plate size 12" x 12" x 5 mm. Thickness 650.00 565.00